Package net.anidb

Class Summary
Anime An anime.
AnimeCharacter An appearance of a character in an anime.
AnimeCharacterType The type of the character in a specific anime.
AnimeNotification An anime notification.
AnimeNotificationType The type of the anime notification.
Character An anime character.
Creator The creator of an anime.
CreatorType The creator type.
Episode An episode of an anime.
EpisodeType The type of an episode.
File A file of an anime episode.
FileState The file state.
Group A group.
GroupStatus The group status for an anime.
GroupStatusState The group status state.
MessageNotification A message notification.
MessageNotificationType The type of the message.
MyListFileState The file state of a MyList entry.
MyListState The state of a MyList entry.
Notification A single notification.
NotificationListEntry A entry in a notify list.
NotificationType The type of a notification.
RelatedEpisode A file related episode.
RelatedType The related type.
VoteType The type of a vote.